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small tile engine demo, everything still a bit rough

In december and january i started coding a small "engine" for rapidly making some 2d games. It's made for making tile-based pixel art games, loading maps made with the TileD editor. I made some tiles and animations with aseprite, but it's still everything rough to get fast with the workflow.
I also started making some studies to improve my skills at pixel art, they have a page here.


The engine is made with love2d, loading TileD maps exported to lua. After fully coding a game in c, I found coding in lua really comfortable, it's a language built around a very flexible table container, and luaJIT is fast. This tutorial helped me to both refresh my lua and swiftly learn love2d.

For now the "engine" feature:

making the tileset

working on the TileD map for the demo

There is still some work to do (audio code, gamepad support, level loading/switching, configurable settings, etc) but it could be ready for some game jams soon.

posted : 2024/01/28