main  [ infosvessel  webring 

Hello traveler, this is an abstract garden located at the very outskirts of the internet, where the inventions of this entity spawn.

The main section of this site is a curated (and sometimes not chronological) blog feed. Posts are also divided into chronologically ordered "channels" containing more posts than the main feed:

For upcoming dates, links to socials, RSS and mail, go to vessel.

This site is part of a webring, an index of finely crafted websites that redirect traffic to each other.

Up ahead you can find pages about my tools, works or other various ramblings.

nm-samples: an archive of the audio samples i've recorded in the past, free to use

Hexaglyphics is a digital noise instrument based on an invented hexadecimal alphabeth

Here I keep some notes on topics I care:

I vastly prefer minimal solutions over bloated fully-featured software. As removing features and simplifying code is not in the corporate agendas anymore, open source software has became the only way to have instruments that are simple, reliable, efficient and long-standing.

I code and mantain some of my own tools and code snippets:

folderkit: 32 voices sampler companion for orca

nsketch: hot-reloaded graphic framework based on luaJIT, GLSL and raylib,

scriptsuite: graphical tools scripted with nsketch

rpiezos: hardware and software to convert piezo sensor signals into OSC messages by using a raspberry pi and some DIY electronics

gpiosc: a program to control raspberry pi GPIO pins with incoming OSC messages

etherdelta: processing sketch to send android accelerometer data as OSC messages

scrapbook: a collection of code snippets and sketches

nonde: scripts and files to set up my linux (non)desktop environment

I'll keep some code-related cookbooks here:

All the works in this website are under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License, unless another license is included (as for source code and the sample library).

All the music is original unless differently stated, in which case all the rights are of the respective owners.

DO NOT resell or mint.